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Greater Houston Fair Housing Center, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to the elimination of housing discrimination and the expansion of housing opportunities to all persons. 


Since 1999, the GHFHC has been a full service, community based organization providing housing discrimination services to the metropolitan Houston area.


For more information on the services we provide, see OUR SERVICES page. 

What is Fair Housing?


In the Sale and Rental of Housing, in Mortgage Lending and Home Insurance: No one may discriminate based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or handicap:


It is illegal for anyone to threaten, coerce, intimidate or interfere with anyone exercising a fair housing right or assisting others who exercise that right.


It is illegal to advertise or make any statement that indicates a limitation or preference based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or handicap. This prohibition against discriminatory advertising applies to single-family and owner-occupied housing that is otherwise exempt from the Fair Housing Act.

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